Bridging the Gap joins the celebrations of the International Women’s Day in Sudan

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, Bridging the Gap team in Sudan participated in the celebrations organized by the organizations Mazaya, Shamaa and Amna the days 7th and 8th of March in Khartoum.
On 8 March the team joined the “Women’s March“, organised by the local NGO Wansa in partnership with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation office in Khartoum along with representatives of the EU Delegation and UN Women. This event consisted of a full day celebration at the National Museum of Sudan where project staff and partner Organisations of Persons with Disabilities were spreading the message that equality also means inclusion for all.
The day before, Bridging the Gap team attended the celebrations at the Omar Bin Khattab Medical Center organised by Mazaya Organization. They comprised distribution of information material on free health services provided during the day and information on good health practices such as Family planning, Andrology, and infertility for males, ante-natal care clinic, cardiology clinic, respiratory clinic including awareness-raising about the importance of quitting smoking, health education in reproductive health and cervical cancer screening.
Together with AICS representatives, Bridging the Gap also visited the Shamaa Center and the SOS Children Village were free screening sessions were offered during the whole week together with information material and free consultancies. Both Shamaa and SOS Children Village offer shelters for abandoned children or children without parents by supporting them with foster families. Thanks to the contribution of Bridging the Gap, the public discussion also referred to the cases of accessibility for persons with disabilities, early detection and support to mothers of children with disabilities.