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Appel à l'action Inclusion, transversalisation, coopération
  • TITLE: Appel à l’action Intégration du handicap dans la coopération internationale – Version française
  • AUTHOR: European Disability Forum, International Disability and Development Consortium, Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Appel à l'action Intégration du handicap dans la coopération internationale - Version française
  • KEYWORDS: coopération, inclusion, transversalisation
Cover page Call for action Inclusive DevelopmentEN
  • TITLE: Call for Action Inclusive International Cooperation – English Version
  • AUTHOR: European Disability Forum, International Disability and Development Consortium, Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Call for Action on Inclusive International Cooperation - English version
  • KEYWORDS: Call for Action, Disabiility Mainstreaming, Inclusive International Cooperation
portada del llamamiento a la acción sobre educación inclusiva en español
  • TITLE: Llamamiento a la acción: El camino hacia políticas educativas inclusivas y accesibles
  • AUTHOR: RIADIS y Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Llamamiento a la acción para instar a todas las naciones latinoamericanas, socios técnicos y financieros y agencias de desarrollo para implementar y promover políticas educativas inclusivas y accesibles.
  • KEYWORDS: América Latina, discapacidad, educación inclusiva
  • TITLE: Chamada à Ação: O caminho para políticas de educação inclusivas e acessíveis
  • AUTHOR: RIADIS e Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Chamada à acção para apelar a todas as nações da América Latina, organizações internacionais, parceiros técnicos e financeiros, e agências de desenvolvimento a implementar e promover políticas educativas inclusivas e acessíveis.
  • KEYWORDS: América Latina, Deficiência, educação inclusiva
couverture de l'appel à l'action
  • TITLE: Appel à l’action: Le parcours vers des politiques d’éducation inclusives et accessibles
  • AUTHOR: RIADIS et Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Appel à l'action pour demander à toutes les nations d'Amérique Latine, aux organisations internationales, aux partenaires techniques et financiers et aux agences de développement de mettre en œuvre et de promouvoir des politiques éducatives inclusives et accessibles.
  • KEYWORDS: Amérique Latine., éducation inclusive, handicap
cover of the call for action on inclusive education
  • TITLE: Call for action: The path towards inclusive and accessible education policies
  • AUTHOR: RIADIS and Bridging the Gap
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Call for action to call on all Latin American nations, international organisations, technical and financial partners, and development agencies to implement and promote inclusive and accessible educational policies.
  • KEYWORDS: Disability, Inclusive education, Latin America
cover of the Call for action in Arabic
  • TITLE: Call for action: Social protection in Africa (Arabic version)
  • AUTHOR: African Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance, Bridging the Gap project and the UNPRPD-ILO-UNICEF inclusive social protection project
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: United States
  • ACTIVITY: Call for action to call on all African nations, technical and financial partners, and development agencies to promote disability-inclusive social protection in Africa.
  • KEYWORDS: Africa, Disability, inclusion, social protection
Portada del llamamiento a la acción sobre protección social en África
  • TITLE: Llamamiento a la acción: Protección social en África
  • AUTHOR: African Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance, Bridging the Gap y el proyecto sobre protección social inclusiva de UNPRPD, ILO y UNICEF
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Llamamiento a la acción para pedir a todas las naciones africanas, a los socios técnicos y financieros y a las agencias de desarrollo que promuevan la protección social inclusiva para las personas con discapacidad en África.
  • KEYWORDS: Africa, discapacidad, inclusion, protección social
cobertura da chamada à acção
  • TITLE: Chamada à Ação: Proteção social em África
  • AUTHOR: African Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance, Bridging the Gap e o projecto UNPRPD-ILO-UNICEF de protecção social inclusiva
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Chamada à acção para apelar a todas as nações africanas, parceiros técnicos e financeiros, e agências de desenvolvimento para promoverem a protecção social em África, incluindo a deficiência.
  • KEYWORDS: Africa, Deficiência, inclusão, protecção social
couverture de l'appel à l'action
  • TITLE: Appel à l’action: La protection sociale en Afrique
  • AUTHOR: African Disability Forum, International Disability Alliance, Bridging the Gap et le projet de protection sociale inclusive de l'UNPRPD, l'OIT et l'UNICEF
  • YEAR: 2021
  • COUNTRY: Spain
  • ACTIVITY: Appel à l'action pour demander à toutes les nations africaines, aux partenaires techniques et financiers et aux agences de développement de promouvoir la protection sociale incluant le handicap en Afrique.
  • KEYWORDS: Afrique, handicap, inclusion, protection sociale