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march, 2021

30mar(mar 30)10:3031(mar 31)12:00Social protection in Africa: a new path towards inclusion of persons with disabilities

Ethiopian man sewing a traditional costume


Event Details

Bridging the Gap organises, in partnership with the UNPRPD/ILO/UNICEF inclusive social protection program, the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and the African Disability Forum (ADF), the policy dialogue conference ‘Social protection in Africa: a new path towards inclusion of persons with disabilities‘.

The event will be held on 30 and 31 March and aims to trigger and reinforce the policy dialogue on inclusive social protection in Africa based on interesting practices across the continent to enhance coordination, cooperation and commitment for inclusion in line with the provisions of the UN CRPD and the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Conference is structured in two online sessions:

  • Day 1 – Technical seminar (30 March 2021, from 10:30am to 3:00pm CET, including half an hour break in between panels)
  • Day 2 – Policy conference (31 March 2021, from 10:30am to 12:00pm CET)

Additional information:


30 (Tuesday) 10:30 - 31 (Wednesday) 12:00