On 28 April, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm CET, Bridging the Gap will hold a webinar to present the results of its latest study ‘The unsteady path. Towards meaningful participation of Organisations of Persons with Disabilities in the implementation of the CRPD and SDGs‘, coordinated by Alexandre Cote.
During the session, it will also be shared the knowledge generated around the concept of “meaningful participation” of the organisations of persons with disabilities, analyse the barriers and challenges they face to fully achieve engagement in decision-making processes at State level, as well as the role of international cooperation in this process.
The webinar will last 1.5 hours and it will be structured as follows:
Learning the topic – 20 minutes
- Public participation: an overview
- Assessing efforts towards meaningful participation
Challenges, opportunities and recommendations – 40 minutes
- Obstacles to full participation
- Meaningful participation as co-production between authorities and the disability movement
- Recommendations: Transparency, Modelling, Support to OPDs, Support to dialogue
Closing remarks and debate – 30 minutes
Practical information
The webinar is open to any interested party, with particular regards to:
- Development cooperation practitioners at all levels;
- Organisations of persons with disabilities;
- National institutions of the partner countries of Bridging the Gap II (Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Paraguay and Sudan).
Language: English
Concept note
To register, please click here
Live captioning here