Bridging the Gap is looking for a person to provide technical and administrative assistance to the technical coordination of the project in Paraguay under the operational direction of the Technical Cooperation Office (TCO) of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) in the country.
Bridging the Gap keeps working both at the global and the country level to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in public policies to prevent and contain this pandemic. At a global level, and as part of the project's knowledge management strategy, we are monitoring and disseminating through the different communication channels of the project the main resources of interest related to COVID-19 and disability.
On 30 March Bridging the Gap held a webinar to analyse how public procurement has been and can be made compliant to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The inputs collected in this session will be incorporated into the final version of the project guidance note to provide information and indications on how to carry out inclusive procurement.
The government of Paraguay has launched an accessible communication service to inform persons with disabilities about COVID-19. The quick implementation of this service has been possible thanks to the contribution of Bridging the Gap in the country.
In the current situation of the global health crisis due to COVID-19, from Bridging the Gap we would like to emphasize the higher risk faced by persons with disabilities or chronic illnesses, especially in low and middle-income countries.
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, Bridging the Gap team in Sudan participated in the celebrations organized by the organizations Mazaya, Shamaa and Amna the days 7th and 8th of March in Khartoum.
Mainstreaming disability in international cooperation is one of the three core areas of work of Bridging the Gap. In between the end of 2019 and the first trimester of 2020, Bridging the Gap has accelerated and enhanced its efforts, looking ahead to the final year of project implementation.
On the 27th February, Burkina Faso's draft of the National Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, supported by Bridging the Gap Project, was technically validated at an event held in Ouagadougou and attended by experts from 14 ministries, representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities, international NGOs and the Bridging the Gap coordinator in the country.
Bridging the Gap II launches a tender for the realisation of a research study to assess the contribution to the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in development cooperation instruments since 2014 and to analyse the actual contribution to disability mainstreaming of projects and programmes carried out by their partners agencies.
In November 2019, the webinar-based training cycle developed and hosted by the EU-funded initiative Bridging the Gap has been concluded. We hope the cycle has been useful and you improved your knowledge on disability-inclusive development.