
activity attendants
The ‘Leadership Skills Program for Women with Disabilities’ holds its second session in Ethiopia December 21, 2019

On 17 December 2019, Bridging the Gap held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) the activity “The essence and philosophy of disability and women movements” to contribute to the empowerment of women with disabilities and make Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) gender-sensitive.

Persons working in group in the workshop
Bridging the Gap and the PAHO hold in Paraguay the event ‘Human Rights and Psycosocial disability’ December 16, 2019

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), implementing partner of the project in Paraguay, organised from 10 to 12 December in Asuncion the event "Human Rights and Psychosocial Disability".

attendants in the Conference
Bridging the Gap holds the conference ‘The European way forward’ within the framework of the European Development and Disability Week December 10, 2019

On December 5th Bridging the Gap held in Brussels the second edition of the Stakeholder Conference on disability mainstreaming in development cooperation “The European way forward” to strengthen the project development practitioner’s partners in defining a stronger and more effective approach to disability mainstreaming.  

Liliana Pelaia signing the agreement
The Ministry of Education of Ecuador signs an agreement to promote the inclusion of students with disabilities November 27, 2019

Within the framework of Bridging the Gap project, the Minister of Education of Ecuador, Monserrat Creamer, and Liliana Pelaia on behalf the representative of the National Federations of and for Disability signed an agreement on 26 November to support the improvement of coverage and quality of public services for inclusive education in Ecuador.  

participants of the training held in Burkina Faso
Bridging the Gap organises in Burkina Faso a learning space on access to health and the certification of disability November 25, 2019

From November 21st to 23rd the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, hosted a 3-day reflection on the topic of disability and its certification. Two separate but intertwined events were organised by Bridging…

Ana Lucía Arellano speaking at 2019 BtG Annual event
Bridging the Gap discusses the role of women with disabilities in low and middle-income countries in its 2019 Annual event November 15, 2019

Bridging the Gap celebrated its 2019 Annual event, focused on Women and girls with disabilities, on November 14th at the premises of the Representation of the European Commission in Italy, gathering institutional representatives, development practitioners and organisations of persons with disabilities.

Man with crutches speaking to the training's attendants
Bridging the Gap holds several activities to mainstream disability inclusion in Ethiopia October 18, 2019

The project continues strengthening disability inclusion among the Ethiopian society throughout country activities such as the Disability Awareness and Inclusive Development Training held on 15 and 16 October in Dangla, Amhara Region, and addressed to the Region Government Bureau Focal Points.

presentation at the second national meeting of BtG in Paraguay
Second National Meeting of the project in Paraguay October 7, 2019

From 4th to 6th October, the capital of Paraguay, Asunción, hosted the Second National Meeting of the project Bridging the Gap, celebrated within the framework of the 12th Meeting of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities.

Participants of the secongd DET in Madrid working in groups
The staff of the project partner agencies trained on disability inclusion October 2, 2019

In order to mainstream disability inclusion, Bridging the Gap has held several sessions of the Disability Equality Training addressed to the staff of their partners' development agencies. The last one took place in Madrid on 16 and 17 September and was attended by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) employees.

video frame of the video spot
Bridging the Gap launches the first awareness-raising campaign on inclusive education in Ecuador October 1, 2019

Bridging the Gap in Ecuador, implemented by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), launched in September the awareness raising campaign “Yo me quiero sumar”, the first one on the Right to Education for children with disabilities within the country.